About Us

The beginning ...

Our activities begin on February 16th, 2008, when Santos Victorino embarks on a sacred mission of light, received from the higher astral plane, with the objective of healing, expansion of consciousness, and spiritual self-knowledge for all brothers and sisters of this path. A great trip without notion of time and distance began.

His great leadership as an essentialist shaman as well as his great knowledge of shamanism and of many other religious, philosophical and spiritual streams, make our shaman a fully accessible being, a great instrument and facilitator of understanding anyone's inner world, somebody to gain access to a comprehension of the universal cosmic consciousness and the boundless networks that weave us all together. All thanks to Grandmother Ayahuasca: the mother, doctor and spiritual teacher.

We work with Ayahuasca in group ceremonies ritually since this provides an excellent environment to heal and know yourself. And to learn, side by side with the other one, who is my brother, my mirror.


Institutionality ...

Shortly after, a group of people spontaneously emerges, committed to this sacred path of healing and knowledge. They then form as an Eclectic Institute with legal status, authorized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay, thereby establishing recognition of our work in a legal-institutional framework.

The work of our Institute is arduous, taking place in various departments of Uruguay (Salto, Paysandú, Rocha, Florida and Montevideo) and fulfilling an ample frequency of ceremonies. The Institute has a group of "fiscales", steadfast and loyal guardians of the red path of the heart (“Camino Rojo”) and so called "green scarves", people committed to the wisdom of this ancient plant.

We have performed ceremonies in Argentina, Comodoro Rivadavia (Chubut), as in other localities of that country. We have also done so in Brazil - in Bagé and Santana do Livramento, cities in Rio Grande do Sul state.


Drug addiction treatment ...

Our commitment is growing daily. Our treatment of drug addicts is internation-ally recognized, having attended several conferences on the topic (among them: Ayahuasca and Dependency Treatment Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 2011, and recently the Congress of Drug Abuse following the invitation of Centro Takiwasi, in the city of Tarapoto, Peru, October 2013).


Our teacher : The Ayahuasca

Our institute is based on ayahuasca ceremonies as the main focus of healing and knowledge, although we also use other traditional indigenous medicines such as Rapé, the Kambô of the Amazon, Grandfather Tobacco or the Temazcal sweat tent. We celebrate healing ceremonies through dance, prayer and song as well.

Thus, we dive deep into the knowledge of traditional medicines of our ancestors, that helps the human being to heal, rise and understand itself.

Our Institute works hard as one big family for each participant to reach supra-consciousness, to understand their role in humanity and live a freer and more compassionate life. We call for the release of all types of slavery, whether mental, physical or spiritual. Over 1600 people have passed through our Institute now and we feel rewarded after each ceremony, when we see their happiness, harmony and the great advances they make on the path of Being, transcending the socio-cultural fondness for Having.

An interview with Sol Nueva Aurora's director Santos Victorino is available here:

Our reason for being " Shamanic" is the inspiration to constantly transcend our fears and awaken ourselves as medicine men and women.

The reason why we are "Spiritual" is the accepted journey of overcoming human conditioning.

The reason why we are an  "Institute" is the individual's progression in self-knowledge through drinking Ayahuasca.

We are the Spiritual Shamanic Institute Sol Nueva Aurora
